Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Controversial: The game

Remember the days when all video games were happy, not violent, jumping puzzle games in which non of the pixels ever suggestively rubbed against each other in an effort to access the inside of every 12 year old mind ? of course you don't. Video games since the dawn of the Atari 2600 have always attempted something controversial, from General Custer's love for Indian women and cacti to the Russian's love of gunning down innocent civilians at an airport, because if one person get boollet, everyperson get boollet. Games are always running a-muck with fresh new ways to slap the ol' media press in the buttocks with a towel before trying to make an excuse for themselves when they go complain to the coach about how much games are ruining the team.

The main point of this post (and all it's awful jokes) is to bring up the point the media will never ever shut-up about. Controversy. And all the wonderful free promotion that the press give it for containing a near rape scene that was in actual fact, merely a simple misunderstood strangulation of a young British girl. But the controversy I plan on talking about is the holy smoking bullet wholes left in the skimpy corpses of battle action nun squad by the bald mist. Also know as Hitman absolution's trailer.

The trailer see's a team of highly trained jehovah's strippers attempting to gun down our favorite bald, chicken suit wearing killer by using a whole arsenal of pointless guns. Yet I am the only one who noticed a severe lack of holy hand grenades. The trailer obviously generates controversy from not only having a big white man shooting poor nun's, but also putting the poor nun's in highly leather clothes and swapping out their bibles for guns. Since the media obviously hates any form of anything and immediately  needs to point it out, they seemed to notice this trailer quite quickly and jumped on the poor hitman nun-wagon, for all the reasons I mentioned before, Women being killed, Big scary man doing it, Nun's being killed, Strippers being killed, The game not being very good, That part of the game being really boring and having a lack of agent 47 in nun clothes.

It was all quite silly in the long run, bringing up things that mean too much in today's world. And yet again the media try and fill the void before the next annual suing of the Grand Theft Auto. Before everyone ignores it and buys it anyway.