The handheld portal device
(portal 1/ 2)
The handheld portal device is the main and only item that can be freely used in one of many peoples favorite FPS puzzlers to date, Portal 1 and 2. The function of the handheld portal device, or "portal gun" for short, is as simple as it's name implies; It's shoots portals on to surfaces, not just any surfaces though, Portal-able surfaces made from ground up moon rocks ( white walls ) "which as it turns out are pure poison" - Cave Johnson ( Don't worry, the poison can't hurt us ). The portal gun can shoot up to two portals at a time, and upon entering one, you will exit the other, letting you reach much higher, or lower places or drop things through.
The item it's self is in a semi realistic style with a dash of cartoon to tone it down thrown in ( The name of the style escapes me..) it's modeled in 3D as well as most of the concepts. The visuals of the item really suit the games world very well in my opinion, to start off the facility where the game takes place at all times in portal 1 is a completely white and grey facility with only a few different color lights, much like the gun itself, which fits the game perfectly as it looks like it has been made be the same people who created the facility, and needs very little to absolutely no visual improvement as it fits perfectly in the style the game is set.
All in my opinion of course, by all means judge it for yourself when you play
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