Thursday, 3 October 2013

Unity 72 (Vehicle concept)

When a game company has visualised and prepared their ideas but have no physical way to get them down onto paper, they employ the abilities of a Concept artist. The job of a Concept artist is to create a form of visual design for a certain thing in the game, be it a Vehicle, item, Character, level, environment, HUD or anything else that either the artist can think of or the employer, and all of this is accomplished  whilst staying in the boundaries of a certain theme. There are a very fair amount of media that require the use of a concept artist; such as Film, Different animation productions, Books and most of all, Video games. Most commonly the process of designing a Vehicle for a game is to show how it will work, the smaller parts of it, the over-all look and feel of it and lots of other little details such as that. There is a long process to design a vehicle and it starts with drawings allot of different designs and getting those loose designs into one final, detailed design.
With that said, here are a few concept artists.

Yoji Shinkawa

Yoji Shinkawa is a concept artist who currently works for the Japanese game studio Konami, he is currently the lead artist in many, many of Konami's games. His works are most recognised in the Metal gear solid series, but he has also done work for the game series Zone of the enders. He has also done work for the movie Pacific Rim, these projects give his works a seance of a military theme. Yoji has an extremely Original style when it comes to designing things. I really do enjoy his works thoroughly and his way of drawing
 with shaping rather than line work in most cases inspires me. His works really capture the detail and function of the vehicle in a military fashion, all whilst keeping it in his unique style of marker drawing.

File:REX (Shinkawa).jpg

Andrew lay

Andrew Lay is a concept artist who was born in the city of Manchester and who's works can be found in the games of Killzone for the playstation. Andrew really knows how to capture something as if it was a real thing, often his works look industrial, rusty and used. Normally sticking with one colour palette throughout most of his designs, giving them a very realistic, futuristic look. I do enjoy his works not because of the colour palette or theme, but because of the designs themselves, as they look very technical and look like they could be a working thing in the future (Or past)

Killzone: Cliffside worker lift

Killzone Facility Surface Detailing

Killzone Facility Engine Detailing

Geoff Shupe 

These pictures below are from the Freelance artist Geoff Shupe, who creates a varied amount of vehicle designs (Not as a primary thing, just on the side) in a cartoonie-esc manner. Geoff's art is a more pleasing thing to the eye, not being dark and grungy like many other vehicle concepts, instead being colourful, but still maintaining a nice amount of texture to give it a seance of realism. I do like Geoffs type of art, but I'd be lying if I said that I would want to draw all my works like that, but it's still a nice fresh piece of art out of all of teh grungy type of designs you see now.

My Overall thinking is about these concepts of Vehicles is that I very much enjoy them and they're different styles, with each design being different and each artist having a different way of showing those different designs. All of these concepts are impressive in their own ways, which make them very good indeed. The one I perhaps find the most appealing is the Konami artist Yoji, simply for his original style when it comes to designing things, using markers and photoshop to bring out all the detail in his works, Making them very high end pieces of concept work. 

Friday, 8 March 2013

Game engine functions

Graphic rendering:-
Graphic rendering is the process that determines what we see in our video games. Graphic rendering
is the process in which shadows are processed and created effectively within the environment, as well as successfully wrapping textures around an object within' the game. Graphic rendering can be apart of a completely different program than the game engine itself, but usually the game engine will include it's own standalone type of rendering.

 Anti-aliasing:  Anti-aliasing is a type of graphic rendering where the program installed
smooths out all jagged edges found in the game. Unfortunately this process is know to
lower the over-all frame rate of a video game, on things such as a PC there is almost certainly
an option to turn it either on or off to adjust to the users machine, but when on consoles such as the xbox 360 or the playstation 3 the xbox's hardware will certainly have a better frame rate than the ps3 as xbox fails to have anti aliasing, unlike the playstation.
Shadowing: Shadowing in a graphics engine is the process of when a shadow is cast into the environment for effect and 'Realism', having things cast a shadow based on a light source in the environment based on what position they currently are in is a common thing to have, most if probably not all current game engines have a shadow function like this.
Level of detail: The level of detail refers to a very obvious point, it's how polished and elaborate the game engine allows the game's graphical capabilities to be. Having an extremely high textured piece of environment with multiple assets and objects everywhere can result in a sudden drop in frame rate or just having very low frame rate overall. To prepare for this PC versions of games have an option included in the game in order to help adjust to the graphical capabilities of the users PC.
Ray tracing: Ray tracing is a function in which rays of light are traced in the game, it does this and decided what the light should be doing, such as reflecting off a certain surface, this function helps allot with the shadowing of a game
Radiosity: How bright a certain light is in an environment and how it affects it as such. Like how the sun gives off and area light that's normally only broken by going under or inside something, creating a shadow.
Ambient lighting is all about radiosity, as the brightness affects everything when creating mood, the amount of lights in an area also obviously affects radiosity.
Depth testing: This is the function of how far objects and certain things are in comparison to the player, and therefor determines what said player can see in their field of view. Depth testing effects things such as what objects are concealed behind others and what is completely out of the players view. Game engines have improved over time and can now hold much more objects on the screen at one time.
Graphics pipeline:The graphics pipeline is a function game engines do in order to transform a 3d images in to a seemingly flat 2d image, it accomplishes this by following several functions to get the image to be flattened down. These steps are:
 -Bus interface / front end                   -Occlusion culling
-Vertex Processing                            - Parameter interpolation
-Clipping                                           - Pixel shader
-Primitive assembly                            -Pixel engines
-Triangular setup                                -Frame buffer controller

Pixel / Vertex shaders: Pixel shaders are a programmable asset found in game engines which when programmed to do so, work on each individual pixel to create proper reflections, bump mapping and different shades of lighting. Vertex shaders work on the models and environment themselves, and are responsible for cell shading.
Fogging: Fogging is a very self explanatory asset to game engines, as the fogging function creates an
adjustable layer of fog which can be applied to environments to create mood and an atmosphere around
a game. With things like lighting being amplified within it and objects being blurred when looked at from a distance, These features of fogging is an excellent way of creating a horror game that rely's on suspense.
Textures: Textures are another self explanatory asset which every game engine is capable of using, textures
are a simple way of defining certain objects in the environment , like rocks and grass will have different textures and even sometimes different variations.
Lighting: Lighting is an asset which also most if not all game engines can use, there are different types
of lighting, ambient being a main one, as ambient lighting is used mostly in horror games to give the
player a seance of direction, the type of lighting can also variate how it's reflected based upon the type of surface and the light itself.
Culling methods: The Culling methods are the processes of deleting and removing certain unnecessary
components, such as polygons and in some cases whole sides of objects and terrain that the player wouldn't be able to see, when this happens this is called back face culling, removing the sides the player can't see
so that the over-all fps and quality the game may be ran at can be increased.

Animation systems:-
Animation is the process of a game engine in which a series of images will be played in an extremely fast instance to create what is seemingly an Animation. there is also other ways of preforming animations much more smoothly, such as 3D soft were including animation capabilities in which it'll run allot smoother. Pixel games normally include what's known as a 'Sprite sheet' which is the term for the previously mentioned series of images.

Path based animation: Path based animation is quiet simple, some, if not most video game engines will have the capability to program a set path from point A to point B and have whatever entity was programmed to take that path, take it. Climbing over any objects that may be in the way, this is commonly used for Non player character's in games.
Kinematics: Kinematics is the motion of bodies without taking into consideration of the force or movement that is caused There are mainly two different spaces used in kinematics modelling of manipulators namely, Cartesian space and Quaternion space. The transformation between two can be decomposed into a rotation. There are many ways to represent rotation, including the following: Euler angles,Gibbs vector, Cayley-Klein parameters, Pauli spin matrices, axis and angle
Forward Kinematics:Kinematics is a mapping from joint space Q to Cartesian space W: F(Q) = Forward kinematics problem isn't complexity deriving the equations.This is why there is always a forward kinematics solution of a manipulator. Singularities and nonline arities that cause the problem to be more difficult to solve. A manipulator is made up of serial links which are affixed to each other revolute or prismatic joints from the base frame through the end-effector. Calculating the position and orientation of the end-effector in terms of the joint variables is called as forward kinematics.
Particle systems:Particle systems are found in game engines so that it has the ability to emit particles, particles such as; Fire, Water, Dirt, Gravel, Smoke, lighting, Explosions and many other moving things. Particles are in games to give said game a more 'Realistic' look to it, and these particles are caused by placing emitters into the environment, causing whatever the chosen emitter is attached to, to emit said chosen particle. 

Physics: Physics engines are a type of program commonly used within game engines in order to duplicate the physics in the real world. Physics engines can be adjusted to fit the needs of the game developer with just a few simple lines of code, or much more commonly; sliders. An example of physics within video games can be see with things like when the player picks up, bumps into, throws or hits an object, kinetic energy will send the object in the correct direction and further depending on the force of the object and action used to move it. Falling is also another type of physic, as gravity takes place when ever something falls from a height, and acts accordingly depending on the height and over-all physics of a game. Glitches are also a big thing when the physics engine fails to work properly, with objects sometimes left suspended in mid air randomly or main NPC's getting stuck within the environment, breaking the game.

Subsurface scattering: Subsurface scattering is when the programming of the game engine softens lighting as well as blurring it, It can also change depending on what surface it's bouncing off, changing when on a face as apposed to a chrome box.
Caustics: Caustics is a function that calculates light in the environment and makes it act accordingly when faced with a certain object, E.G: The light will travel and be reflected on to a solid box, but light will be reflected through glass, with a tint or just dimmer.
Networking: Networking is the function of electronic devices use to share and communicate with other people's devices, such computers or phones. Networking functions in game engines very similar, letting consoles connect to other consoles to join in and play a multiplayer game with eachother, this also happens on the pc when player connect to servers with IP addresses in order to play games.
Sound: Sound is an extremely large part of any game engine and video game, as it's the key component to immersion, letting us know when we have achieved something correctly or got it completely wrong, also letting us hear amazing voice acting and music tracks, and can really make or break a game based on how good it's sound is.

Artificial intelligence:-
An artificial intelligence is something that a game engine can have programmed into the current game project in order to give the in-game NPC's and mobs a seance of intelligence within the given world of the game, going about their daily routine, accomplishing tasks and reacting to whats present in the environment at the current time, be it weather or enemies, as well as reacting to the actions of the player. This is the type of thing that makes an entire games world feel like it's a real place the player has stepped into, enemies also can be either made to play either smart or stupid depending on the difficulty that has been chosen by the player, this will make enemies possibly not do functions they would normally do, like not check certain places or be delayed with their actions to give the player more of a chance of winning.

AI behaviors: Ai behavior is the function the occurs when the NPC the Ai is controlling goes about their daily business using a script to make them do certain actions at certain time in the day, set 1 could include; walking around, talking to other non player characters and doing jobs, whilst in the night, set 2 is activated and the NPC begins to go home and sleep, whilst some might start other jobs. And if the player interrupts say a sleeping ncp, they could wake up and go on to set 3 of complaining responses.
World navigation: World navigation is a function commonly used by game engines to let the player know exactly where he or she is in the world by using a map. Unfortunately maps can ruin a players experience if the map is fully visible from the start, this is why some games utilize mini-maps only, never letting the player see the full picture. Or they'll have parts of the map the player hasn't been to yet hidden until the player goes there, this lets the player be more immersed  within the world and lets them feel as if they're making real progress.

Middleware is a type of software that is found in-between other pieces of software allowing for better inputs and outputs allowing to link said softwares together much better, like if a 3dsmax models need to be ported into the game, middleware is an enormous help for linking the two programs together for an easier experience. Most programs use middleware as an easier way for programs to link.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Controversial: The game

Remember the days when all video games were happy, not violent, jumping puzzle games in which non of the pixels ever suggestively rubbed against each other in an effort to access the inside of every 12 year old mind ? of course you don't. Video games since the dawn of the Atari 2600 have always attempted something controversial, from General Custer's love for Indian women and cacti to the Russian's love of gunning down innocent civilians at an airport, because if one person get boollet, everyperson get boollet. Games are always running a-muck with fresh new ways to slap the ol' media press in the buttocks with a towel before trying to make an excuse for themselves when they go complain to the coach about how much games are ruining the team.

The main point of this post (and all it's awful jokes) is to bring up the point the media will never ever shut-up about. Controversy. And all the wonderful free promotion that the press give it for containing a near rape scene that was in actual fact, merely a simple misunderstood strangulation of a young British girl. But the controversy I plan on talking about is the holy smoking bullet wholes left in the skimpy corpses of battle action nun squad by the bald mist. Also know as Hitman absolution's trailer.

The trailer see's a team of highly trained jehovah's strippers attempting to gun down our favorite bald, chicken suit wearing killer by using a whole arsenal of pointless guns. Yet I am the only one who noticed a severe lack of holy hand grenades. The trailer obviously generates controversy from not only having a big white man shooting poor nun's, but also putting the poor nun's in highly leather clothes and swapping out their bibles for guns. Since the media obviously hates any form of anything and immediately  needs to point it out, they seemed to notice this trailer quite quickly and jumped on the poor hitman nun-wagon, for all the reasons I mentioned before, Women being killed, Big scary man doing it, Nun's being killed, Strippers being killed, The game not being very good, That part of the game being really boring and having a lack of agent 47 in nun clothes.

It was all quite silly in the long run, bringing up things that mean too much in today's world. And yet again the media try and fill the void before the next annual suing of the Grand Theft Auto. Before everyone ignores it and buys it anyway.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Character bio- Marvin

The story of Marvin The only Automated Marketer Bot is a short, simple and relatively sad one, and it goes like this; Many years ago, the large,once incredibly successful company: "BoxBots Builders And Technical Manufacturers" 
was a wealthy thriving company, producing hundreds of different forms of work related robots, from telephones to street lights, everything was in relatively high demand at the time, things were going so well for the company that they decided to use their profits to create, solely in opinion one of their best robots ever:  "The Automated  Marketer Marvel Bot", a robot designed to recreate anything on a video in it's system whilst simultaneously; playing the information. The company had so much faith that this new design would bring them vast fortune, they sunk their money into producing thousands, and when the bots were released and shipped, they were bought up like a storm. For 2 years the bots were produced and used widely across the country, that is until the costumers noticed a flaw; the robots re-enacted anything in the clip you put into it.. Even violent ones, BoxBots was sued for the high amount of vandalism and deaths caused by this simple error, as sick people were filling these marketing bots up with gory films and watching them go to work. When the suing first occurred, BoxBots had produced one last line of Auto Marketer Bots, and in this last line was Marvin, the line was shipped and went to work as the company slowly got into more and more in-debt and eventually it was decided, only a year after Marvin's line had been shipped, BoxBots was bankrupt..
                                                                                                  In one last fit of desperation to try fix what they had broken, the dead company ordered for all models of The Automated Marketer Bot to be brought to their now condemned Warehouses and terminated. This was effective immediately. Marvin, along with every other single one of his kind were brought back to the warehouses in which they first arrived to do their duty, were heard one last message of apology and then a series of electromagnetic pluses tore through the circuitry of  thousands of artificial lives, Including that of Marvin, and the line of the Auto Marketer bot fell into a pile of useless scrap.
                                                                                                    As the years went by the rust began to set on the bodies of the robots, the oldest ones went first becoming nothing but useless cracked red metal and as the line went up the robot parts would become more salvageable. It took a very cleaver group to notice this and it took them even longer to find where the last produced line of the marketing bots lay and headed there in search of good quality scrap, what they found, under the biggest pile of the robots was one very dirty, very rusty, very fixable model. Marvin was pulled out of the wreckage of his kin and a few hours and personality and emotion upgrades later, for the first time in what seemed like years; woke up, and realized it. His mind was scrambled, his joints were stiff and he'd never felt more joy then when he did hugging in a very dopey, unknowing manner the people who had brought him back and gave him a chance. A chance to actually be alive.

Basic statistics

The Automated  Marketer Marvel Bot 

Marvin (Given to him by his companions)


160 LBs (Give or take a few) 

A robot with neither sex, but can forcefully have the characteristics of either when given a tape to play, but is referred to as a male  

Eye colour
A blank TV screen that plays video 

hair colour 
No hair

glasses or contact lenses 
Neither, Marvin has a TV screen a face 

Made in Rocourt  

skin colour 
Worn Gray metal 

shape of face

Distinguishing features 
Marvin wears a slightly damaged stripy tie and carries a satchel full of tapes with him 

Although Marvin cannot freely speak by himself and can only do so when he's playing some form of video clip in which his programming takes over forces him to act what it feels is suitable, however when not doing this function, Marvin acts in very exaggerated movements and uses small doses of clips to communicate to others, example; when Marvin is very happy he'll appear very giddy, jump around allot and flail and clap his hands and arms. 

Marvin is part of a series of robots that became obsolete and as a result Marvin's parts haven't been tuned up and have become rusted and old, he often needs to oil his parts and has a constant chug in his idle stance, he also requires recharge, which is achieved by plugging in his power cord or putting in new batteries.   

Marvin has a habit of over reacting to situations and making fairly annoying noises without noticing 

Collects movies 

favourite sayings 
Marvin doesn't have any favourite sayings as he doesn't have the ability to speak words, but he enjoys beeping.

Marvin speaks with high pitched beeps and can play any audio that is placed into his inputs.

walking style 
Having only one wheel for movement, Marvin can 'run' relatively quickly when he wishes or needs to, but commonly he simply just chugs along at a pace faster then that of normal walking. 

Since Marvin is an out-of-date model, his parts have become rusted which hinders his movement on occasion. His programming is another huge hinder, as it can take full control of Marvin and stop him from doing what he wishes. 

characters greatest flaw 
Marvin's greatest flaw just so happens to be the very reason he was built, Marvin loses all control over his actions when he plays a video for either a long period of time or whether he chooses to not resist it , the programming takes him over and try's it's best to come up with suitable actions and motions for Marvin to do to go with whatever the clip is saying or showing. This was a way for "The Automated  Marketer Marvel Bots" to sell whatever products they had too, as a video would play on the bot itself talking about the product, whilst the bot tested the product, unfortunately the bots would also act out any other media placed into them, which could make the bots potentially dangerous. 

characters best quality
Marvin's best quality is the extreme loyalty he has for his companions that re-booted him and created him to work and act on his own free will, he will gladly help them in anyway they ask. And thankfully; Marvin carries around tapes of movies and many medical advice videos, making Marvin's TV head and extreme friendliness his best quality  

Social characteristics 
BoxBots Builders And Technical Manufacturers (Main warehouse in Rocourt) 

Current residents 

Marketing and the selling of goods

Marvin is a robot who before being given his current personality didn't realize you could get paid for work, but he has no need for money or income 

talents skills 
Marvin is very fast due to his wheel, and can also be very helpful as a source of entertainment or useful help, and in most desperate times; Marvin can be used as a light. 

family status 
Being one of the only bots still functioning of his kind, Marvin has made the ones he is companions with his family, putting all trust into them and being constantly friendly and as helpful as he can.

character as a child 
Marvin was always the age he is now but when he was active he was just like every other one of the bots like him, no personality and only being controlled by the programming.

character as an adult
After being re-booted and given the ability to think and have emotion and a mind, Marvin wishes to never go back to what he previously was, although the programming still  permanently remains in his hardware Marvin tries his best to fight it and as a result he can play certain videos without having to act them, but sometimes he lets the hardware do what it wishes, as it can prove to be a help at certain points.

Attributes and Attitude 
educational background 
Marvin was programmed to be nothing but a soul-less piece of machinery with minor intelligence and education, but since receiving a personality Marvin has learned how to feel emotion and think for himself. And as a result, he's gotten smarter then he once was.

intelligence level 
Again, Marvin was programmed to be nothing but a TV on legs who could preform actions, but as of now he's become more aware, but he most certainly doesn't know what everything is.

characters goals 
Marvin's only current goal is to help the one he calls "friends" in any way he can to try and re-pay them for what they did for him, and will go to great lengths to show this.

self esteem 
Marvin thinks and acts very extravagantly, thinking things are worse then they actually are most of the time and also making his emotions bigger, but on a whole; he's far too happy to care what other people besides from his friends think of him. 

Marvin is a naturally frightened person when in the face of danger, but is willing to put that fear aside when necessarily, he has also been know to have huge bursts of confidence when situations look bleak.

emotional state 
Marvin is quite content with his current situation and problems, just as long as people he's come to love are by his side,
but the programming that rules his head still bothers him even when it manages to help out a situation. 

Emotional characteristics 
Marvin's main reason to keep going, even though he knows where he came from and how there's possibly no others like him in the world, is to make sure his friends lives never become as horrendous as what he went though, and wants to show constant acts of kindness towards them not matter the cost.
Marvin is possibly at his happiest when he's appreciated for the great efforts he goes to to help, and is all-round very happy and rarely sad or upset. 

Marvin has built the strongest relationship he can manage with his friends who rebooted him and gave him a chance at life,  
he has come to learn love towards every member and although sometimes he can appear clingy, his artificial heart is always in the right place. He also dislikes most of whom dislike. 

Marvin most fears going back to what he once was, as well as heights and large creatures. 

introvert extrovert
Marvin's personality is extraordinarily extrovert, Often making a scene when he feels even small amounts of emotion in his systems, being new to emotions he's proud of them and as a result; he likes to put them on display, the only one this doesn't normally count for is sadness, Marvin  has learn't to keep that emotion at bay as he deals with it everyday, always forever knowing what happened to his kin. He tries to forget that but can't delete the memory as he doesn't have that function. He also gets extremely when ever he see's anyone of his friends, often hugging them.

Spiritual characteristics
Marvin believes in no gods or deities,  as he doesn't need anything like that as spiritual things have no purpose to him
currently given the situation.

Characters involvement in this story 
The Fool 

-Marvin is manufactured in what will be known as the last line of "The Automated  Marketer Marvel Bot" 
-Marvin is then shipped out from the main BoxBots Builders And Technical Manufacturers HQ in Rocourt to a warehouse located on the opposite side of the country  
-Marvin is sold begins work selling products as BoxBot faces financial worries
-A year passes and BoxBots Builders And Technical Manufacturers becomes bankrupt, placing an order to reposes all manufactured robots
- Marvin and the rest of the Automated  Marketer Marvel Bots are repossessed and taken to all (now condemned) BoxBot workshops (warehouses) 
-An electromagnetic plus is sent out within the warehouses, terminating the robots, Marvin was in one of the warehouses and is terminated along with the other robots.
- Years pass, the piles of robots begin to rust and deteriorate 
-People passing through the warehouse find Marvin in a fixable condition 
-Marvin is fixed and re-booted with a personality in his coding 

Marvin is not too in-tuned with the environment around him and has to constantly learn about it as he goes, finding new things to help on the journey and sometimes finding tapes (mainly security tapes), Marvin is good in the environment for lighting the way if need be and applying some forms of advice with his tapes. He's also fiercely loyal, even if he messes up trying to prove that. 

Concept art

My my I'm getting fun at this 

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Fool- Wheatly; Character Bio

Basic statistics
Aperture Science Intelligence Dampening Core 

Wheatly (Presumably given to him by himself)

50cm high

About the weight of a bowling ball
Male programming

Eye colour

hair colour 
No hair

glasses or contact lenses 
Neither, Wheatly simply has one big robotic eye


skin colour 
Worn out whit painted metal

shape of face
Distinguishing features 
Wheatly doesn't wear clothing

Wheatly speaks in a very happy fast paced style of talking while in his core form, but then speaks with a very demanding and commanding style in the second half of the game and raising his voice becomes normal for him to do.

Floating in space

Interrupting and coming up with very bad plans


favourite sayings 
Wheatly has no sayings that he commonly uses, he only talks commonly about the facility

Wheatly has a very strong west English accent 

walking style 
Wheatly can't walk on his own but constantly fidgets looking around while being held

Wheatly can't move anywhere without being carried when not on his management rail and when on his management rail and when in the robot body he can still only go to certain places. Wheatly is also not a strong thinker.

characters greatest flaw 
Wheatly's greatest flaw is either his inability to think things through properly due to design or his very weak mind being easily corrupted when presented with power.

characters best qualityWheatly (during the first half of the game) Is very loyal to the main character, quickly befriending her and always wanting to help her out and think of plans (despite them not being very full proof)

Social characteristics 
Aperture Science laboratories (located in upper Michigan)

Current residents 

Intelligence Dampening Sphere,But who's current job see's him over-looking all the humans in the Extended Relaxation Center
Wheatly doesn't earn pay or need it as he's a robot programmed to work at Aperture

talents skills 
Wheatly has a flash light attachment used to light dark areas and also fancies himself of a-bit of a hacker (but can't do it what-so-ever), he can also be plugged into walls to open doors and panels.

family status 
Wheatly doesn't have a family

character as a child 
Wheatly was made an adult but his early life saw him attached to GLaDOS as a way to make sure she couldn't create too smart an idea.

character as an adult
Present Wheatly is in charge of over-seeing the humans in permanent relaxation until he ends up following Chell and going mad with power.

Attributes and Attitude 
educational background 
Wheatly was programmed to be the "dumbest moron who ever lived" who's one sole purpose in life is to generate bad ideas and not think ahead.

intelligence level 
Again, Wheatly was programmed to be stupid and nothing else.

characters goals 
Wheatly wants to escape with the main protagonist in the beginning and then ends up simply wanting to test

self esteem 
Wheatly doesn't see how stupid he really is and actually thinks he's fairly cleaver but when told otherwise he gets very defensive.

Wheatly is quite confident when not in the face of danger, but when danger is present he becomes very afraid and looses all confidence.

emotional stateWheatly is ruled by terrible logic and lives to make bad ideas that he thinks is good.
Emotional characteristics 
Wheatly wants to escape with Chell but then he becomes insane and wants nothing more then to capture Chell for testing

Wheatly is happiest when successfully helping Chell, in the second half he's most happy when a test is complete 

Chell is Wheatly's only friend and GLaDOS his only enemy, The second half he see's them both as enemies.

Wheatly is scared of heights, doing anything his programmers told him not to do, GLaDOS and being killed.

introvert extrovert
Wheatly has a very extrovert personality often blurting out in-front of everyone how he feels and his views 

Spiritual characteristics
Wheatly is a robot programmed to only think about what he has been programmed to do, he doesn't believe in a faith because he's not programmed to.

Characters invol
vement in this story 
The Fool 

-Wheatly was created and activated before the genocide of all the scientist by GLaDOS
-Wheatly was then fitted to GLaDOS to stop her from becoming too smart, it failed
-The scientist are all killed apart from Doug rattman and Wheatly hid in storage
-Wheatly was then brought out of storage by more robots and put in charge of attending to the sleeping humans
-Wheatly grew concerned about the state of the reactor and woke Chell to try and get them to both escape 

Wheatly in the first part of the game is presented as a guide to Chell, knowing allot about the facility and not being afraid of any of it, however in the second half of the game when he is given complete control over the environment, it quickly turns him mad with power and corrupts him

Monday, 7 January 2013


This is a merely quick post just to give you some examples of Archetypes, If you don't know what that word means why not look it up ? I'm far too busy to tell you. But I still Love you, now have some bullet points:
The Hero
Ezio- Assassin's creed 2
 -Good fighter
-Quick thinker
-Very Loyal
-Fighting for a cause

Bill- Left 4 Dead
-A Leader
-Wants to save his friends (Loyal)
The Shadow
Dr Eggman- Sonic The Hedgehog
-Cares only for what he wants
-Has an army

Oracle- Fahrenheit
-Very powerful
-Cares for nothing but the goal
-Not of this world

The Fool
Wheatly- Portal 2
-Ends up switching sides and going crazy

Murry- The Sly cooper series
-Not very smart

Alyx- Half Life 2
-The Love interest
-Needs to be saved
-Can fight her own battles

Zelda- The legend of Zelda
-The Love interest
-Fairly helpless
-Friends with the hero
-Always needs to be saved

The Mentor 
Rucks- Bastion
-Very helpful
-Very wise
-Nearly dies
-Very Feeble

Agatha- Fahrenheit
-Very Old
-Has psychic powers
-Knows everything
The Trickster  
 Joe- Mafia 2
-Friends with the good guy
-Trust worthy
-Betray's Both good and bad guy

Constable Neyla- Sly 2
-Second Love interest 
-Helps the hero to a point 
-Is friendly 
-Seems trust worthy 
-Only in it for her
-Betrays hero 

I hoped you enjoyed the list of spoilers~ 

Friday, 4 January 2013

Research "Week": Task 2

You there, yes you, the one with that hansom face. Close those 7 to 8 tabs of graphic material and come read something that actually matters (mainly because character design demands I make this post); recycling, no not the awful boring kind that everyone used to complain about and then slowly realized we were way too  deep into killing the planet anyway to do anything about it and slowly shut-up about it, no I mean the cool type that's in Movies, Literature, Illustrations, Video games and animations. Or more commonly know as; Fallout 3, and since you might not know what is meant by that let me dive straight into those examples of media and other things that you never look at starting with:

Some movies involve "recycling" as a recurring theme through out them, So lets start with the most obvious one that no doubt without even looking that everyone marked down as an example:
Now I'm not a reviewer (yet) so I'm going to go off of a natural assumption that you've seen this movie and know it's about two robots that reunite the world with fat people, you'll also know that wall-e is indeed a recycle robot who was programmed to clean up after all the people that he then brings back at the end, but before Wall-E doomed the world a second time he collected things he found interesting and also built huge structures out of scrap material via his little cube dispenser. But if you want a more obvious example of recycling in this film, everytime a part of wall-e breaks down he goes grave robbing and steals parts of other robots to fix himself.                                                       

If you've seen this you'll know it's an animated movie, not just a mere animation so I'm aloud to put it here. And it's my list so I'll do as I wish. Arrietty is a manga-anime-Japanese-animated-cartoon-movie about tiny little people who "borrow" things from the members of the house that's above them and re-use them in a "recycled" manner. Until some old woman rips up the floor and a cancer patent saves the day and everythings very sad. See, scavenging doesn't just need a post-apocalyptic setting to fit.


Books, remember those ? big things, pages, require more then clicking to read more ? not on a screen ? made of paper ? you know trees ? remember those ? outside, the reason we recycle ? kindles ? there we go close enough, on with the examples!
 Mortal engines
Mortal engines is a fictional novel of the science variety that came out in 2001 about some guy who meets a girl and there's a king and he has an evil adviser, because when do they not ? and the evil advisers the equivalent of steam-punk Hitler and it's all very story but that's not where the recycling comes in ~! (gotta love those huge sentences). The recycling comes in in the fact that the world has ended and in order for the human race to survive the horrible landscape below they raised the cities off the ground and then made them into giant walking robots and in order to keep getting supplies the cities eat other cities and grind them into scrap. And If I remember correctly, which I don't seeing as I don't know the book, London try's to eat Manchester. Now go read it.
File:Mortal engines.jpg

There are many different pictures of awesome looking recycling things on the internet that aren't complete wastes (ba-dum-tst) of time, by which I mean I went on Deviantart dug past all the female genitalia and bagged me some pictures. And they look like this:
Lots of art and things to do with art and things 
This drawing here (in which I'm sure somebody else would of used for their examples) see a happy little rusty as all hell boat made up of the first things you'd think would be most buoyant thing to get on if the house flooded; The Washing Machine.
Now the next person along seemed not have allot of money to spend, but allot of time to recycle scrap into this very effective and pretty looking pendent.Time that could of been used to find themselves a job so that they could earn money and buy real jewelry, But what do I know I can't make stuff like that.


Video games
You know those things that this blog is about, yeah those use recycling in them as-well *cough*Fallout 3*cough* so lets give off one example of the several billion million that make up recycling things into other things in video games. In-fact lets do the most obvious one That's riiiiiight:

Yes Deponia that one game everyone knows, especially you, for being about recycling. Allow me to tell you why you know this game; because it's amazing and on sale on steam and why haven't you bought it yet ? The games environment is very much like a junk yard in which the members of the towns have recycled and made shelters, shops and annoying puzzles out of, and you the player must click on every thing on the screen in combination with every item in your inventory to progress.

Now since this is being written at half one in the morning or if you're assessing this; four in the afternoon, you can cut me some slack in expecting me to remember an animation that involves recycled things a-plenty. Then you of course realize I'm lying and how could I not remember one after the amount of hours I spend judging things on the internet. So here's one:

A robot western 
A short animation about the life of a western robot in a robot western town, to put it bluntly, now if I wasn't so sarcastic I'd tell you it was about the tale of a robot sheriff who lives in a scrap shanty town in which everything has been recycled to create more robots, buildings, structures and all sorts of things. Shame I'm so sarcastic, now go paste this URL

A quick mention
Now before I go I'd like to talk extremely quickly about Steampunk, now you know, I know, heck, everyone who's ever played a video game or had an idea about a video game has thought of steampunk and I feel as if I just need to mention it as quick as I can just to remind you of it. Now since I'm incredibly lazy and need to get back to reading very important web-comics go look at my older post where I talk about it as an art style. But since you're not going to do that have some pictures as examples.

There, now I'm going to retreat back into the darkest voids of the internet where all the other sarcastic video gamers stay, eat sushi and talk about how nothing will be as perfect as Half-life 2. Bye~ !